
Snapshots of the Soul 

(Ronen's Select Poems)

Ronen Divon's Articles


Healer, she said, please take away my grief.
I cannot, he replied.
It is grief that reminds us of our humanity.

Healer, please remove my sadness.
I cannot.
It is the valleys that give rise to the mountains.

Healer, please chase away my fear.
I cannot.
It is fear that enables us to cultivate faith. 

Healer, please eradicate my anger.
I cannot.
It is anger that we must learn to turn into compassion.

Healer, please cure my pain.
I cannot.
It is pain that remind us of the joy of being alive.

Healer, if you cannot do any of these, what can you do?
I can hold space, 
I can support,
I can inspire, 
I can empower you to become your own healer.


Cary, NC, Jan 6, 2022
(c) 2022 Ronen Divon. All Rights Reserved.

Spirit of Rapé

There is no pride nor a sense of superiority 
No guilt nor shame
The heart opens
No happiness nor sadness 
No past nor future 
Just simple joy


A drop of water;
seas within,
oceans without.
She rises.

On the road to enlightenment

Years ago,
when I set my path
I had no clue where I’m headed.

I met a Tai Chi master;
he taught me The Way.
I didn’t quite get it,
but I enjoyed it all the same.
So I stayed.
Then he passed away.

A leaf

A leaf
Turns yellow
Is it too early
Is it too late

Cary, NC, Aug 2, 2018
(c) 2017 Ronen Divon. All Rights Reserved.

All In A Day’s Work

When I first awoke
it was a bright new day.
The air was crisp;
not a cloud in the sky.
And the birds – I did not know them by name,
yet they chirped joyfully.

What is Patience?

Patience is surrender,
to this moment,
and the next,
and to the one that follows.

A Place

A place of trust,
a place of surrender;
a place of but few,
if any expectations.

This is my oath

I am a Judeo-Christian, Buddha-loving Taoist;
born with bleached black, yellow and red skin.


For the journeys I’ve experienced
and for travels yet to come

I am sitting in a circle
engulfed in the current
There’s a glow flowing through me
Then I just give in

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