RonenGeorge Bernard Shaw is quoted to have said "I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation."
The following are some of my quotes.
Heck why not -- there's hardly anything original one can say anymore, or, to quote myself: "When an observation holds a grain of truth it is never new."

  • Believe in miracles; after all, you are one.
  • With so many friends on Facebook, who needs enemies?
  • We are not here to change the world. We are here to change ourselves; and in the process, we may affect a change in the world.
  • Don't get even, get even better.
  • And just as I figure myself out, yet again, I change...
  • When have you become this soft, mushy, person? I have always been one. It is just that recently, the peel stared to come off.
  • One advantage of being in my fifties is that whatever someone calls me, I was likely already called worse.
  • Writers never waste anything. Every experience, good or bad, theirs or of others related to them, is likely to end up in a story at some point...
  • When everything else fails, try a piece of chocolate.
  • When you cannot see the writing on the wall, there's a good chance you need a new pair of eyeglasses.
  • Generally speaking, cats do not seem to have a long term strategy.
  • When all hell breaks loose, it is a good time to take out the marshmallows...
  • Be hopelessly hopeful!
  • Large minds that think small are a crime; small minds that think large are unthinkable
  • Art shows what the Heart knows
  • Watching a shedding tree for a passing hour, during fall, is a lesson in letting go.
  • It’s not the latest phone gadget that makes pictures great, it’s the moments captured.
  • Honesty with self vs honesty with others, sooner or later one realizes it's one and the same.
  • When uncertain whether to laugh or cry, laugh.
  • We are already happy inside, but, like a sculpture buried inside a stone, we need to carve away at layers that prevent us from realizing our permanent joy.
  • My condolences to you for not getting my sense of humor. My your death be painless.
  • I keep waiting for Google to celebrate me in their logo. Does one have to be dead to be celebrated?
  • Occasionally, being smart, means not having the last word.
  • Instead of saying: “I did not accomplish anything today,” say: “Today I accomplished nothing;” which is a huge achievement for any Buddhist and Zen monk.
  • As a rule of thumb, it's best not to generalize.
  • Each species on Earth is a result of an evolution that picked a trait in an individual strain of a previous species, and took it in a direction that will gave it an advantage related to survival and thriving.
  • If you are a nerd driving a Porsche, you are still just a nerd who happens to drive a Porsche…
  • More than Saints need the church, it is the church who needs its Saints.
  • Choose light or else darkness will choose you.
  • Every day is a brand-new jigsaw puzzle; some days it's a 50-piece case, other days it's 5000 pieces.
  • A while ago, I stopped reading the news. I get all the fake news I want on Facebook.
  • Every day is the best day to be alive.
  • More hours in the day would, not solve the problem. Rearranging priorities, would.
  • Everything may be nothing, but sometimes something is enough.
  • Pessimists seem to believe they are realists, while optimists, typically, know they wear pink shades.
  • To believe the house is clean while my wife is away, I simply don't wear my glasses.
  • Have your people contact my people, and let’s set up something for some time in the foreseeable future.
  • What would you call an optimistic optometrist?
  • The heart knows.
  • Whether you know it, or you don't, you already know it, (or you don't.)
  • Some people are still taking me way too seriously...
  • Would you say that Liberals are Capitalists with socialistic awareness?
  • Be kind. Rewind. Repeat.
  • It's not what you think it is; it is.
  • Meditation is our attempt at quieting the mind so we may listen to our heart; take guidance from our soul.
  • I am unapologetically relentless. Sorry about that.
  • Love is a gift. It is not something to be demanded, expected or taken for granted. It is to be received with humbleness and gratitude.
  • Darker times call for brighter lights.
  • A community that supports the arts, values life.
  • Before starting a revolution, one must clean his room.
  • Sometimes the world is like a dog; you can be unkind to it and it will still love you. And other times the world is like a cat...
  • Generally speaking, I dislike generalizations.
  • Even the severest of faces softens upon a smile.
  • There's hardly anything worse than a habit you think you'd perfected.
  • If you think you're smarter than nature, just wait a millennium or three. Nature is patience.
  • Every day is a journey of curiosity.
  • It’s not that I don't believe in God, I just call it a different name and assign it different attributes.
  • The more something is hidden the more it becomes desirable.
  • You know you are getting old when you are more concerned with your morning bowel movement, than whether you scored last night.
  • Mastery of life is the ability to see everything that happens in a positive light.
  • When you're in a bubble, only to realize you're surrounded by a puddle of mud.
  • If one’s cup is filled with nothingness, is it full or empty?
  • Of the hundred different things I worry about daily, if but one comes to fruition, my mind would use that to justify tomorrow’s multitude concerns. Such is human nature.
  • A benefit of being a yoga instructor is that even if the class is full, there is still space reserved for you.
  • Each day is a jigsaw puzzle.
  • I carry a loaded backpack. Some items I occasionally actually use.
  • Introverts, sometimes we don't reply because we are attuned to an inner dialogue; sometimes it's because we just don't like you.
  • I've reached the conclusion that the entire Taoist philosophy can be summarized as, stay out of trouble and live out your years.
  • You know you are getting old when your friends' topic of discussion is colonoscopy.
  • Anyone can be a rebel, they just need the right cause.
  • If you are just hanging in there, remember, the trick is not to clap your hands...
  • You belong to the tribe of humanity. There is no other tribe.
  • Sorry, I am done apologizing.
  • If you are not yet dead, that's not the end. If you are dead, that's not the end either.
  • If it was up to me, between 72 virgins and one seasoned lover, I'd go with the latter.
  • A journey of a thousand miles begins with… forgiveness.
  • Ignorance yields fascism.
  • For writers and artists in general: First find and understand the conflict; then the characters will surface and the plot will write itself.
  • Assholes are here to stay. Everyone has one attached to their rear-end.
  • Hahaha! No, I didn't lose my mind. My mind lost me.
  • It’s all good, except when it's not. And when it's not, one needs to remember that it’s all good, except when it's not.
  • Giving is the best medicine for self-pity.
  • Sometimes I feel like an idiot; but then again, sometimes I act like one too.
  • Every photographer, painter and sculpture, who works of live models, should, at least once in their career, change roles and assume the model pose for one session.
  • How not to sound like an idiot: keep your mouth shut.
  • When we no longer hold to the idea of what is perfect, we can simply be.
  • In no time is meditation more needed than the days you cannot spare time for it.
  • Age adds years to the daft, grace to the wise.
  • If at first you don't succeed, slam a hammer into it until it yields.
  • People do not change that much. It is mostly our perception of them that changes.
  • Free is a street in Utopia.
  • As I mature, I recognize the world as a place consisting of only shades of grey; at the same time realizing, that people who view others in plainly black and white, are at the root of most violence humanity experiences.
  • Anarchy, a state of living without laws. It's all fun and games until it starts to stink; and then you realize that there is no garbage collection.
  • Small minds can only think in small terms.
  • Do not get discouraged. If you didn’t make it this time around, your next life is just around the corner...
  • Life, because rumor has it that the alternative is sort of grim.
  • I love how "schlep" became a word used freely in the English language, including by those who have no idea that the source is Yiddish. I trust it may even be used by some KKK members e.g. "Schlep that Jew over here and we'll show him." Life's small ironies provides a measure of humor, even if dark one at times.
  • Some of us are idiots, the others just haven’t figure it out yet.
  • Life has grave results...
  • The friends I miss the most are the ones who are always in my heart.
  • Some days I am reminded of my wish that we all wear spiritual eyeglasses; the sort that allows one to see through gender, creed and sexual preferences. Maybe then we will know no more senseless killing, mindless hate, and start fulfilling a bigger destiny, for which we were granted life on this planet.
  • If kids were so much fun to have, sex would not be that pleasurable; there would have been no need for the extra encouragement.
  • With women you cannot win; if it is something you said, it is something you did not say.
  • When I started on my spiritual journey, I saw men and women of various colors, nationalities and faiths; all struggling for a place in this world. As the road stretched ahead of me, I started to observe that all these people are not that much different; that they ultimately share wishes: to be acknowledged, to be loved, to experience happiness. And now I am at a place along my path where I do not even see that. All I see are beautiful souls, some more challenged than others, some not yet awakened. It is my role, I currently realize and accept and understand, to be there when these spirits shake away their slumber; be there for them, shining a great bright light, energized by others such as myself. Now that is a mission worth living for.
  • Wisdom is the capacity to be fully content with what one has, without losing sight of one's aspirations.
  • Some songs are but shreds of someone else's dreams.
  • If life is, as the saying goes, a journey, not a destination, what did you forget to bring along?
  • No one senses the passage of time as the condemned awaiting execution.
  • Headstand is the art of flipping upside down so you may explore the world downside up.
  • Change should not be forced but rather inspired.
  • Cancelled meeting is like found time.
  • Worry not, once dead, you will lose all those extra pounds...
  • Lead the life you preach or else live any life you wish but do not preach.
  • I cry for people who are still alive, yet let their dreams and hopes all go to waste; rather than for gifted people who passed on after leading a meaningful life.
  • True resolve does not get tested under the best of circumstances but rather under the least favorable conditions.
  • Seek the Yang in the Yin; find the Yin in the Yang. Life is full of such mysteries.
  • A dream without action is just a dream. A dream with action is a plan in motion.
  • We are all folders on in someone else's computer.
  • I know everything and... nothing.
  • All the perfect people are dead.
  • When you cannot find a moment to breathe its a sure sign it is time to take time off.
  • Murphy’s Anti-Law: When you are in rush to catch make a connection, your flight is guaranteed to arrive ahead of schedule.
  • Farting, the art of telling the world how you feel about the state of things without opening your mouth.
  • Whomever collects the most money by the time he dies… is still going to be dead.
  • Between where we are at this time and where humanity is to evolve but a decade from now lies a universe of possibilities.
  • Sometimes I have a whole conversation in my mind with someone else about a topic that bothers me, only to realize, when I meet that person later, that they took no part in my inner discussion.
  • The practice of Yoga, letting the hardships of the day melt away onto the mat, only to realize these were not really hardships but rather blessings in disguise...
  • Sometimes me being delayed is because I'm part of a grand plan to save the universe, and sometimes I'm just stuck in traffic.
  • What may I be today?
  • Yoga; it's not how far you can bend but rather how deep you can breathe.
  • The road to enlightenment is filled with toll booths.
  • If at first you don't succeed, maybe it's time to start the weekend?
  • The fifty sixth Murphy's Law for house moving: Just when you give up on finding a tool you really need, tearing down box after box in desperate search, ending up buying a new one at the store, it will turn up on its on like it was never quite lost.
  • If you have no sense of humor, you have nothing.
  • It occurred to me that the entire fashion industry owes its inception to the serpent; yeah the sneaky fellow from the Adam and Eve Biblical tale. If it wasn’t for the serpent’s advice, Eve and Adam would have never tasted the forbidden fruit, never realized they are naked, and Giorgio Armani, Ralph Lauren, Gianni Versace, and the rest of the fashion icons never would have made a name for themselves. Thus it is the fashion industry, not the medical that needs to have a serpent as their iconic sign.
  • While it's true that one way or another everything ultimately works out at the end, it is the "another" that worries me.
  • When the shit is about to hit the fan, how about shutting the fan off?
  • Man is a creature of curious contradiction. We constantly seek comfort and security even though we know that only through challenge and strife we are able to grow.
  • Ever noticed how the need to pee stands in inverse proportion to the car’s speed while crawling in a traffic jam?.
  • Change is not staying put at the top but rather experiencing what takes place in between the peaks.
  • Life's a bitch. Use a condom.
  • Today is tomorrow's yesterday.
  • What is love but unconditional giving?
  • Never was there an always that lasted forever.
  • If you believe everything you hear you no longer hear the unbelievable.
  • Life is but a series of seemingly random events, connected by a thin thread that is you.
  • If you cannot see the light, how about flipping the switch on?
  • The working of the mind is mind boggling.
  • There is neighter a beginning nor an end, just continuous transition.
  • To obtain goals we walk a path, to live life we journey.
  • Don’t preach, exemplify.
  • We fight in vain, only to realize it is in surrender that we find peace.
  • When an observation holds a grain of truth it is never new.
  • I've observed that there are two responses that answer all upheavals: OM and OMG...
  • We are modern slaves; bound by wireless chains.
  • If you touch it and it hurts, don’t touch it.
  • We don’t make our fate, we only enable it.
  • It is through our misfortunes that we develop compassion.
  • When you are at your wits’ end it may be time for a new beginning.
  • There is no such thing as dirty minds, just a variety of interpretations.
  • Follow truth seekers but not those who claim to have found it.
  • If things don't seem to be going your way, you may be on the wrong path.
  • You can't tame a raindrop.
  • I am the perfect sum of many imperfect parts.
  • Spend time on what you do best; hire others to do the rest.
  • It's not about what you already know, it's about what you are willing to learn.
  • You cannot call a relationship intimate, until you feel comfortable farting in that company.
  • I live my life in a manner in which when my bucket is kicked, it would be empty.
  • No one appreciates rain more than someone who had been through a drought.
    No one appreciate dry weather more than someone who had been through a flood.
    Weather is weather;
    It’s our relationship to it that changes.
  • Spontaneous is what a person who cannot make his mind call those who can.
  • Forgiveness is earned by actions, not by words.
  • Be Happy
    Be Sad
    Be Angry
    But whatever you do
    Don’t be indifferent
  • Just remember that sometimes it can also be just the storm before the calm.
  • Come now, you cannot meditate with your mind so full!
  • Why should a universe born out a super-violent event such as the Big Bang behave any differently?
  • Tai Chi is the ability to relax to the opposing force; the capacity to truly listen. Learning Tai Chi is not a means to an end, but rather an everlasting process of self-study. The more you practice surrender, the more subtle resistance surfaces you still need to let go. Real mastery of Tai Chi is not in the studio or in a fistfight confrontation, it is in the way one handles life.
  • Yoga is an attitude, a way of being. It is not about whether or not you can bring your forehead to touch your knees.
  • Take it easy. There is really no better way.
  • I recently befriended a convicted felon. I am always short in time and I realized it’s great to make friends with someone who is doing time.
  • Make Compassion your compass.
  • God is a projection of what we make Him/Her to be.
  • Aha... life... if it won’t kill you now, it will surely kill you later.
  • Just remember, it is not the icing on the cake that really matters.
  • It is when you see current photos of old acquaintances you haven’t seen in a while, that you realize how much older you must also look.
  • And what if heaven is below and hell is above? And all those looking up in prayer, have been looking in the wrong direction all these years?
  • Life is full of... moments.
  • People with inner conflicts create conflicts wherever they go. People at peace, inspire the same.
  • Those who know me
    Know they don’t.
  • When life sucks, use the opportunity to vacuum around a little.
  • Communism could have worked great, expect that it should never have been applied to humans.
  • For the maggots all men are equal.
  • Some say man was born in sin and thus his path is set. Some say man carries a divine spark and thus can never be really bad. And yet others say that good and bad are but relative terms. I am in no position to claim one ultimate truth; I can only speak for myself. For me bad is when one forgets that everything and everyone are connected. When this realization is truly remembered, it is close to impossible to act in any other manner than goodness.
  • How come we hold tributes to celebrities who die of overdose but sneer at junkie lying unconscious at a street corner?
  • Like pieces in a puzzle falling together into place; sometimes you see the big picture, sometimes you don’t. And occasionally you yourself is but a piece in someone else's puzzle.
  • As soon as large corporations will discover ways to make more money during peace than while nations are at war, the course of history may start to change.
  • Writing poetry is the poor man’s psychotherapy.
  • There are no heavenly prizes for doing good deeds.
    There is no old, white bearded fellow with a clipboard, tallying your actions.
    Your only reward is how you feel when commencing an action.
  • It is curious how most musical tunes that are catchy on a first listen, become a bore just as fast. (except for the Beatles of course...)
  • It's amuzing how we love calling a gamble that turned out successful good intuition while the one that turned out disastrous, a grave stupid mistake.
  • More than I guard my yoga practice, my yoga practice guards me.
  • Just a reminder that in this digital era, our bodies are still working in analog mode; no ones and zeros but all the shades in between.
  • Some leaps are made all at once; others are a culmination of many small steps.
  • We do not change people’s lives; we just facilitate their own changes by instructing and creating an environment for change.
  • To be relevant, do not speak, act.
  • Not everything that shines requires a light bulb.
  • The price we pay for love is our anger and fears.
  • Your day will not be made better by making other people's day worst.
  • If we would seek less to be superman, and aspire more to be super-humane, how different would our world be?
  • Want a sure sign you need to practice yoga? It is when you feel you cannot make any time for it.
  • We are all monkeys. Some of us just didn't get off the tree quite yet.
  • You are not really a celebrity until someone posts your nude photos online.
  • Stupidity is the lack of will or interest to explore deeper what one takes for granted.
  • At the root of all evil is man’s needs to own: possess property, control over other people, even govern opinions. Religion is a by-product of this trait, as are any social and political movements. Only when the human race evolves to a higher form, where being happy with what one has suffices, will we rid of sin.
  • Life is a game composed of carefully planned events cumulating in self-termination.
  • Whenever you wonder what if?
    Just remember that
    you are experiencing the exact life
    you were meant to live.
  • And some mornings I wake up, amazed that I am still alive and breathing. It must be a miracle.
  • Show me a person who is not fucked up and I’ll show you a river in Egypt.
  • We are already enlightened; it's just that we are told to close the eyes to see the light while in fact we need them open.
  • Life is a one long confusing event. By the time we figure it out, we are dead.
  • When you are nodding your head in sympathy to someone else’s sad tale, or pretending to smile at the poor joke they just told, all the while thinking to yourself, “what an idiot,” just recall the times others listened to you in understanding, or laughed at your jests, all the while thinking the same.
  • The difference between the USA and dictatorships around the world run by persons who justify abuse of their people by ideological or religious reasons? In the USA the very rich hide behind no such excuse
  • If looking at a photo of a gay or lesbian couple getting married looks wrong to you, you are absolutely right! You need to go check what is wrong with your brain’s wiring of right and wrong.
  • This guy a typical scientist – big on facts and small on imagination. But it is imagination, not facts, which sparks innovation.
  • I never discard of friendships. We can always be friends again in my next life.
  • Sometime it's about what we subtract rather than about what we add.
  • As we age it seems that wisdom is not so much what we have learned but rather what we are willing to acknowledge that we do not know.
  • Practicing Tai Chi without putting the moves to the test of martial arts is like practicing cooking without ever tasting the food.
  • We all carry scars. Some people have scars deeper and more numerous than others. How we deal with these marks and what we make of them, defines who we are.
  • Happiness is not about counting our blessings but rather the realization that whatever that happens to us is a blessing.
  • Nothing lasts forever but eternity.
  • Ultimately, as corny as it may sound, it's about acceptance - first and foremost of our own shortcomings. Only then we can accept the ones of others, out of which come forgiveness and a form of love.
  • Hate is the easier way to take but the path of love pays off long term. The power to choose is ours and ours alone.
  • We create our own heaven and hell.
  • Beautiful defines your relationship with yourself, attractive, your relationship with others.
  • Be forever a beginner for only a beginner's set of mind allows for learning to happen.
  • Life is taking a trip without a GPS.
  • Yoga is like a washing machine for concern-stained mind.
  • Pessimism, the art of looking at the sun and seeing only clouds.
  • Time is a friend. It is only when we try holding on to the past that we perceive it as a foe.
  • Life... it’s something that just happen when someone cuts your umbilical cord.
  • Just remember this, when you are dead you'll remember nothing.
  • Don't hold your breath... no, seriously, don't hold your breath.
  • More often than not I find that timing, not advancements in technology, dictates whether a certain idea will bloom into a widely accepted reality.
  • The pursuit of laughter is no laughing matter.
  • I have come to the conclusion that people who have a good sex life tend to be less critical of others.
  • Smile, Life Smiles Back.
  • When everything else fails, try a headstand.
  • It's easy to smile at the world when the world smiles at you. Practice smiling at the world when all you receive back is a frown.
  • Liberation is a state of mind.
  • Even if it’s one single straw that ended up breaking the camel's back, there was much straw laid there before that is equally at fault.
  • Have you noticed that weight is among the only things, if not the only one, where rather than speaking about wining and gaining, we want to lose?
  • Observing the entire creation reflect through a single leaf on a tree, is meditation.
  • Practice kindness and kindness will practice you.
  • Driving behind a garbage truck stinks.
  • If you need a different perspective, try a headstand.
  • Kindness, takes so little to offer yet can go such a long way.
  • You don’t realize how much you use a certain keyboard key until its stop functioning.
  • The experiences all around us are indifferent to our opinion of them. If you are in a thankful mood, it will seem positive, and if you are in a bad mood, it will look like an uphill fight every step of the way.
  • Why is the thought that every moment is perfect just the way it is, a scary one?
  • Too many assholes, not enough toile paper.
  • So many movies today are "based on a true story", almost as many life events that are inspired by fiction.
  • Some websites are so outdated that one can observe dust on the monitor when browsing through those pages.
  • Only the very ignorant and highly enlightened can truly surrender. For the rest of us there is the trap of the intellect and the emotions.
  • Time does not heal an open wound.
    It just webs it with cobs of forgetfulness, giving it a disposition of assumed solidity.
    But at any time, the weakest wind may blow off the cobs and expose raw flesh.
  • There is something hypnotizing about looking at old photos from a previous century; images of trivial everyday occurances. Much like in the realization that some of the most trivial photos we take today will have that same charm on people a hundred years from now.
  • If people were to treat their spouses as if they were their most valuable client, there would have been significantly less marriage crises.
  • Time is completely oblivious as to how fast we want it to pass. The only factor to its perceived speed is what we do with our time.
  • When you are young you think you have control over what’s happening to you. When you grow older you realize you have no control. And when you are even older, you realize the only control you can have is over how you respond to events around you. In Tao it is called action of non-action.
  • You can never be too paranoid (reality shall surpass your wildest fears.)
  • So long as there will be people willing to believe, there will be those who take advantage of them.




Copyright 2025 by Ronen Divon